Our Vision and Mission
Teaching And Reaching Asia (TARA) Himalaya

TARA Himalaya exists to equip believers from the Himalayan region with training, resources, and gospel opportunities to advance the kingdom of God in the Himalayan region and beyond.


TARA Himalaya is committed to reaching the unreached in the Himalayan region by equipping the church.  We are committed to fulfilling the Great Commission (Matthew 28:18-20) and the Great Commandment (Matthew 22:34-40) as we provide training for believers and leaders in the Himalaya region. These believers and leaders then teach, train, and disciple the men, women, youth, and children under their influence and in their community. These indigenous churches and believers then continue the process of carrying out the Great Commission and the Great Commandment throughout their extended families, neighborhoods, villages, cities, and even beyond the Himalayan region and to other nations.

We have seen a great opportunity, as there is a greater need to equip more. The map of influence shows that those who received our training are currently serving in local churches in the Himalayas region and also living and serving internationally in the East Asia region, the Middle East, Europe, North America, and Australia.